Saturday, December 21, 2019

Kdrama: Woo Do Hwan


Do Hwan is that one actor you just can't un-love once you've loved. He rarely smiles but whenever he does you get captivated, then when he laughs, just forget you would get lost in him forever.
He leaves you thinking and fantasising about everything. Here is a list of Do Hwan's movies to leave you fantasising for a very long time.

Movie title: Mad dog
Movie title: The great seducer
Movie title: My country

Kdramalover💕✌️ Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

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